About me

Email: zhimengj at tamu dot edu. Here is my CV


[2024/09] One paper is accepted by NeurIPS 2024.

[2024/07] Our paper [CODA] won INFORMS ICQSR’24 best paper competition award.

[2024/5] Two papers are accepted by ICML 2024, where our spotlight (3.5%) paper [Self-Extend]is highlighted during Google I/O session.

[2023/12] One paper is accepted by AAAI 2024.

[2023/10] One paper is accepted by WSDM 2024.

[2023/10] I have successfully passed my thesis defense.

[2023/09] Three papers are accepted by NeurIPS 2023.

[2023/08] Give an invited tutorial on Machine Learning in Finance Workshop at KDD23. [Websit][Slides][Code]

[2023/07] Receive Student Travel Grant Award from Texas A&M University.

[2023/07] Invited to serve as a PC member of LOG 2023 and AAAI 2024.

[2023/06] Invited to serve as Senior PC member of CIKM 2023 demo track.

[2023/06] One paper [DSpar] is accepted by TMLR.

[2023/05] Invited to serve as a PC member of WACV 2024 and reviewer for TMLR.

[2023/05] One paper [Retiring ΔDP] is accepted by TMLR.

[2023/05] One paper on Real-Time Bidding is accepted by SIGKDD Explorations 2023.

[2023/04] Two papers on Memory Efficient Training and Graph Augmentation are accepted by ICML 2023.

[2023/04] One paper on Probabilistic Masked Attention Networks is accepted by IJCAI 2023.

[2023/03] Invited to serve as a PC member of NeurIPS 2023, and reviewer for Neurocomputing.

[2023/03] One US patent on bid optimization, developed in collaboration with Samsung, is online.

[2023/01] One paper on Hierarchy-Aware Multi-Hop Question Answering is accepted by WWW 2023.

[2023/01] One paper on Fair Graph Representations is accepted by ICLR 2023 (Spotlight).

[2022/12] Invited to serve as a PC member of KDD 2023, ICML 2023, and IJCAI 2023.

[2022/12] Our paper on Real-Time Bidding is accepted by AAAI 2023 AI for Web Advertising Workshop.

[2022/10] Our demo paper BED won Best Demo Paper Award in CIKM 2022. [Video] [Talk] [Paper] [Slide] [Code]

[2022/10] Thrilled to start my internship at Amazon Search (A9.com) QU team.

[2022/09] Invited to serve as a PC member of LOG 2022 and SDM 2023.

[2022/09] Thrilled to receive Student Travel Grant Award, Computer Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2022.

[2022/08] Our real-time object detection based on MAX78000 is accepted by CIKM 2022 (demo).

[2022/07] Our paper G-mixup won Outstanding Paper Award in ICML 2022.

[2022/07] Invited to serve as a PC member of WACV 2023 and AAAI 2023.

[2022/06] Invited talk from AI-Time.

[2022/05] Thrilled to start my summer internship at Visa Research, work with Dr. Huiyuan Chen and Dr. Hao Yang.

[2022/05] Our paper G-mixup is accepted by ICML 2022 (Long Presentation)!

[2022/03] Invited to serve as a PC member of NeurIPS 2022.

[2022/03] Our real-time object detection based on MAX78000 for edge devices has been released! [Video] [Paper] [Code]

[2022/01] Two papers are accepted by ICLR 2022, [Label noise] and [Generalized Demographic Parity]!

[2022/01] Invited to serve as a PC member of ICML 2022.

[2022/01] Our paper on Geometric Graph Representation Learning is accepted by WWW 2022!

[2020/05] Thrilled to start my summer internship at Samsung Research America Ads AI team, supervised by Dr. Li Li and Dr. Rui Chen.